This series, titled Exit 8A, features work created in New Jersey, Mazzola’s home. The project documents interiors, exteriors, and landscapes from around her hometown and other places that have been a part of her life through photographs and short videos. The title of this project refers to her town’s exit on the New Jersey Turnpike, the sign she sees every time she goes back home. She has developed an appreciation for her hometown during the times she has been away in the drastically different environment of New York City. The town, and the state itself, are filled with fields, forests, quiet streets and so much more that people don’t see when they pass through on the turnpike. The beautiful natural light of these places always captivates Mazzola. She is mesmerized when the sun floods the fields and her house, leaving unique shadows and a warm hue all around me. Because of this, light has had a large impact on her work. Mazzola fully realized this impact when she was away studying abroad for 5 months. She realized she was looking for the same aspects to include in her photographs as she do when she is home.
For this series, she has now completely brought in this impact. The light activates her work to romanticize everyday places such as a kitchen and a laundry room sink. While there is an absence of people, their signs of living are present with their shoes, cups, towels, and other objects they left behind. This absence adds a quietness to the already poetic and calming scenes. The audience will feel the passing of time as they view the photographs and videos. Her town and other places that will be shown, are and forever will be important to her. This has been Mazzola’s main motivation for this series. The work that she has created are er memories that she is sharing with her audience.